Thursday, May 31, 2007

English Cottage Postcard Jacket

It's interesting where we receive our inspirations to create. I've been seeing the T-shirts in the ladies' department that are tye-dyed with the city or country scenes. I work part-time in a quilt shop and I had bought a panel of an English Cottage. It had been in my stash of fabric waiting for me to create a quilt. After seeing these T-shirts and owning several for myself, I was inspired to take my panel back to the shop and start laying it on some beautiful batiks. I just finished the jacket and am well pleased. I'll be posting the pattern and jacket for sale on my web page, . I will now be on the lookout for other fabric panels I can use. This is the back of the jacket. It might have looked great on a bright pink but I was more cautious in my color selection and went with the green and tan.